Best podcasts for creative entrepreneurs


Why should you even listen to podcasts?


Simple answer: Industry leaders are providing valuable content in a very short space of time.

Long drawn out answer: The hosts of podcasts offer great strategies that they have tried in their business/ life that have clearly worked. They also share with you some of the mistakes that they have made along the way, which could prevent you from making the same ones. Essentially, you learn from the experience of industry leaders and it truly impacts the way you run your business.


Ok, so CONFESSION TIME! Pre-pandemic I was not a fan of podcasts. I could never understand why anyone would want to listen to people speak about ’educational’ content while trying to relax!!! I would much rather watch a series on Netflix or even just lay in silence rather than listen to a podcast. However, something changed when we were stuck at home with barely anyone to really speak to and bored out of our minds.

Some girls that I knew launched a podcast in 2020 and I started listening just to show my support. I LOVED IT!! I would listen on the bus, while working out, while relaxing, anytime really. It was so entertaining and it was great to hear other people’s perspectives again. I then searched up podcasts that would appeal to my creative side and I came across ‘The Biz Birthday Bash Podcast’. My appreciation for podcasts skyrocketed and I truly realized the value that they added.


Here are my top five:

I’ve also included screenshots of the latest episodes so that you can decide for yourself!


1) ‘Marketing School- Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips’ with Neil Patel and Eric Siu

I came across Neil Patel and his tool, Ubersuggest, as I was doing SEO research for my website. I found his insight very valuable and he provides great content via his newsletter and YouTube page as well. So when I found a podcast where he was one of the hosts, I just had to listen. The second host, Eric Siu is also a very skilled entrepreneur and runs a digital marketing business called ‘Single Grain’. Together this very powerful duo deliver a truly incredible podcast.

The best part is that each episode is never more than TEN MINUTES (generally around 4-6 minutes) and they release content every day. As we all know, people’s attention spans are getting shorter, which is what platforms like Instagram and TikTok are playing at. If you are able to deliver quality information in such a short frame you have to be very concise which, is exactly what these guys are doing.


2) ‘The Biz Birthday Bash Podcast’ by Cami and Elisabeth

Cami and Elisabeth are both successful creative entrepreneurs with years of experience under their belts. They are also very entertaining and they keep their conversations very casual which makes it that more enjoyable! They are also generous with all the knowledge they have surmounted over the years and aren’t afraid to share. Cami and Elisabeth give you tips on everything from biz strategy to processes, thus removing some of the unknowns involved in running your own business.  I honestly  look forward to their weekly episodes and schedule my listening time for whenever I am doing something that I don’t particularly enjoy (aka grocery shopping, running, hair care). These two really do make ‘biz strategy a piece of cake’.


3) ‘The Strategy Hour’ by Abagail and Emylee

This one is a fairly new addition to my podcast list. I found their website ‘boss project’ whilst doing some dubsado research a few months ago. I then followed their Instagram page and I loved the content that they post!!! So naturally I started listening to their podcast when I learnt that it existed. Abagail and Emylee aim to provide ‘marketing tools for creative businesses’ and share a lot actionable information pertaining to business growth (and so many other things). With over 500 episodes you are sure to learn something new.


4) ‘The Side Hustle Club’ by Cheryl Lau

Cheryl focuses on those of us that want to run profitable businesses even if we are only doing it part-time. She teaches us business strategy for a sustainable thriving business (what we all want)! Cheryl balances her coaching business with her PhD studies which was the main reason that I followed her. I find this very admirable and I hope to learn more about time management from her. Aside from the great content, she also has a very soothing voice which makes the listening experience quite pleasant and enjoyable!


5) ‘The Modern Creative Podcastby Joyce and Dianuh

I first discovered Joyce through the amazing summit that she runs called the ‘Calligraphy Biz Summit’. She also runs a coaching business, ‘Calligraphy Business School’ and her podcast partner, Dianuh, has a very successful art business called ‘Chasing Linen’. As they have both been in the industry for many years, they are able to share very comprehensive advice on running a creative business. They are no longer producing  new podcast episodes but all 220 episodes are still available on streaming platforms. Since ending the podcast, they have both moved over to the world of YouTube (Joyce’s channel, Dianuh’s channel) and Joyce has a new podcast called ‘Calligraphy Business School’.


I am still in the beginning stages of my first business and my entrepreneurial journey. I have definitely found that podcasts and books are one of the most useful resources out there and I will continue to share what I learn with you all.

Happy listening! I hope these are just as beneficial to you as they are to me. Feel free to message me on Instagram @quillsandblooms with podcasts suggestions or questions.

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